In 30 different states, companies in qualifying types of industries can complete a predominant use study to receive utility sales tax exemptions. This includes both ongoing utility sales tax exemptions as well as a refund for a specific period on utility taxes paid by...
Aki Aguillon
Georgia Health Insurance Marketplace Offering ACA Enrollment Assistance
A Georgia healthcare-related marketplace organization assists Georgia residents with Enhanced Direct Enrollment at the Federal Health Insurance Exchange. It also helps state residents compare insurance options while offering assistance with Affordable Health Care...
Three Ways That an Accounting Service Can Help Your Small Business
Behind every successful business is a strong accounting team keeping them afloat. If your business isn't being looked after properly, here is how an accounting service can help. They Will Give You Less to Worry About It would be a mistake to assume that you can handle...
Selling Your Structured Settlement
If receiving payments from a structured settlement is no longer working for your finances, then it might be time to consider selling your payments. While structured settlements are strictly regulated, that doesn’t mean that selling your settlement to a buyer will...
Use One of the Best FL Roth IRA Companies To Diversify Your Portfolio
Utilizing one of the top Roth IRA companies allows you to take advantage of tax-free income after retiring. Finding an account offers diversification, flexibility and is an excellent way to benefit yourself and your heirs. Receiving Tax-Free Income After You Retire...