Once you are retired, you may find that your income resources have shrunk greatly. If there is a running mortgage, then you will be wondering how to pay the installments now. You do have an option though, in the form of a reverse mortgage. You can take this loan if...
Aki Aguillon
Understanding How to Use an HECM for Purchase: Buy a Home, Skip the Payments
A recent study showed that over 900,000 homeowners have taken advantage of reverse mortgages to pull some or all of the equity out of their homes. Also known as home equity conversion mortgages (HECM), these are an increasingly popular way for homeowners aged 62 and...
Obtain A Loan Fast When You Apply Online
Do you need cash fast and not sure where to turn to? Perhaps you realized you have overwritten checks and are facing overdraft fees. Maybe your car has broken down and you cannot risk missing work however, you do not have the money for the parts you need until you...
Learn the Valuable Truth About HECM Reverse Mortgages
HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgages) reverse mortgages have been growing in popularity over the past few years especially after the recession occurred. Mainly due to the unique features and benefits, borrowers are offered this type of loan. HECM reverse mortgages...
The Many Benefits of Commercial Auto Insurance in San Jose
There are so many benefits for business owners to get Commercial Auto Insurance in San Jose. It can be very tempting to try and save some cash by taking shortcuts when it comes to insurance. However, there are so many beneficial things about commercial insurance that...