The Federal Health Insurance Exchange was created to implement the Affordable Healthcare Act. Each state has its own Insurance exchange and the state of Georgia is no exception. The Law requires that recipients re-register every year to obtain their benefits.
There are drawbacks to the law and the registration process. For most everyday folks the process is very misunderstood and remarkably complicated. It is worth your while to know all you can about Affordable Care Act Health Insurance enrollment in Atlanta, GA.
This is a good opportunity to separate fact from fiction and clarify a number of areas of confusion and concern. This can be done by answering a few top of the list questions.
1.Q. Much of the process is determined by household size. What does that mean?
Ans. Your household size is determined by the number of people that are part of your household, including those who will not be a part of the marketplace purchase. If someone is on your federal tax return they must be included.
2.Q. Who qualifies for coverage?
Ans. The qualification number is equal to those who are at 100% of the poverty level (that is dependent on state numbers). Families above 400% of the poverty level may apply but will not be eligible for a subsidy. In other words, the more the members of your household make the less they will qualify for the program.
There are many more questions and answers that help you understand the program. For more information on the Affordable Care Act Health Insurance enrollment in Atlanta, GA, you should visit the program’s Georgia website at Georgia Health Insurance Marketplace.